Page-37 of UPSC Questions

Make a comparative account of Zamindari, Mahalwari and Ryotwari system.

The Zamindari system underwent many changes from Mughal to British period. While during Mughal period Zamindars were not the owner of the land, but were petty land holders. After the permanent settlement in Bengal, Bihar and Odisha, the Zamindars were ..

Highlight the importance of port-led development for India, envisaged under the Sagarmala Project.

The importance of port-led development can be understood from the fact that 90% of total volume and 70% of total value of trade is via sea route in India. Sagarmala Project: Triple objective of promoting infrastructure development, creating value for ..

"India and Africa have a three-layered relationship viz. bilateral, regional and pan- "Discuss.

India and Africa have a three-layered relationship viz. bilateral, regional and pan-African. The foci of these relations are Energy Cooperation, Trade and Investment, Maritime Cooperation, Peace and Security and Cooperation towards global negotiations with respect to UNSC Reforms, Environmental talks ..

What do you understand by progressiveness and regressiveness in the taxes? Make a comparison of direct and indirect taxes on this basis.

Model Answer: Progressive Tax follows the principle of ‘ability to pay’ because they are levied on the basis of individual’s income and wealth. Since, ability to pay can be measured, the direct taxes are imposed at progressive rate whereby richer ..

Throw some light on the types of unemployment that exists in a developing economy like India.

The unemployment refers to the situation where individuals who are willing and available for work are unable to find employment. Various Types: Open unemployment Willing to work, available but unable to find. Disguised Unemployment Though seemingly employed but labour productivity ..

What are the novel provisions of Indian federal structure that are not found in other federations? Discuss.

The Indian Federalism is very unique in nature and is said to be tailored as per the specific needs of the country. Wheare believes that the framers of the Indian Constitution wanted to avoid the difficulties faced by the federal ..

Critically discuss India's interest and geopolitical stance in the South China Sea. What constructive role can be played by India while protecting its own commercial and economic interests? Opine.

India is not party to the South China Sea dispute, still India (along with US) has been consistently reiterating the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea and advocating peaceful means to resolve the maritime disputes as per international ..

"The declaration of TNW doctrine confirms that Pakistan has drastically changed its nuclear posture against India."Critically discuss.

Tactical Nuclear Weapons (TNW) produces low scale explosions in comparison to Strategic Nuclear Weapons. Pakistan developed TNW to counter India’s Cold Start Strategy in case of war with India. The declaration of TNW policy confirms that Pakistan has drastically changed ..

Enumerate the issues that have plagued the railway sector in India. Mention the steps taken by government to address these issues.

Indian Railways with second largest Railway network in the world caters to highest passenger and fourth largest freight traffic in the world. Significance: Mass transport. Source of revenue for government. Key to Linking ‘Bharat’ with ‘India’. Concerns: Safety 2019 saw ..

Discuss the powers of Election Commission of India with respect to registration, delisting and deregistration of political parties. Do you agree with the view that the recent amendment of FCRA underlines need for more teeth to the Election Commission? Justify your answer.

Election commission is the watchdog of electoral system in the country.It supervise the election right from announcement of polling date to the declaration of the result.It ensure free and fair election in country. The power of election  commission regarding de-registration ..