Page-36 of UPSC Questions

“Article 142 gives the supreme court virtual license to intervene in any matter whatsoever.”Explain in the light of recent events.

Article 142 of Constitution of India deals with Enforcement of decrees and orders of Supreme Court and unless as to discovery, etc.It states that the Supreme Court in the exercise of its jurisdiction may pass such decree or make such ..

In India various problems inherent in the public distribution system has raised a debate whether do we really need subsidies? Critically discuss the arguments in favour of and against.

Subsidies play an important role in the economy of the country as they ensure equitable utilization of the resources for the people therefore India cannot totally eliminate or phase out subsidies until and unless we have another mechanism to meet ..

Explain the concept destination-based taxation? How the GST proposes to implement the destination-based taxation system and what are the implications of it?

Model Answer: Destination based tax (consumption tax) are levied at places where goods and services are consumed rather than at places were they get manufactured or from where they are supplied. In destination-based taxation, exports are allowed with zero taxes ..

Highlight the role of public private partnership (PPP) and input-based distribution franchisee models in the power sector to handle the problem of distribution losses.

Input-based distribution franchise model is the incorporation of inputs and pre-determination of estimated scenario in preparing power purchase agreements (PPA). Benefits of PPP in power sector: Combines efficiency of private sector with infrastructure of public sector. Involves proper determination of ..

"Without dissent, parliamentary system is dysfunctional." In this context, discuss how can B.R. Ambedkar views on parliamentary dissent can help solve the problems being faced by the Indian Parliament in the last few years?

Without dissent, parliamentary system in dysfunctional- This view was narrated by our President, Shri Pranab Mukherjee during his visit to Auckland. He opined that “fierce debates and discussions” in the house contribute to taking decisions on important matters like economy. ..

Explain the concept of inclusive growth and examine its significance for overall development of India.

Inclusive growth refers to process and outcome, where every section of society participates in organisation of growth and benefits from it equally (UNDP). IMF chief economist Ms. Gopinath argues that Growth is inclusive when it: Occurs in sector where poor ..

While taking example of Delhi-NCR region, critically elucidate the effects of swift urban development over urban climate and public health.

World is witnessing rapid increase in urbanization due to growth of  secondary and tertiary activities based economy and are land of opportunities for millions with hope to have better standard of living. Urbanisation has also been accompanied by certain undesirable ..

The ordinance making power was envisaged for unforeseen and sudden situations where the executive needed additional legal sanction to address the situation. However, it appears that executive has completely disregarded this requirement of necessity for immediate action. Discuss critically.

 Article 123 of the Indian constitution empowers the President to promulgate ordinances. It is an important tool when neither House of Parliament is in session and circumstances exist, which render it necessary for him to take immediate action. Similarly, Article ..

What are the so called Suryaputra / Sunshine countries? To what extent, the recently mootedInternational Solar Alliance can help to achieve affordable solar energy to all and towards global effort to fight climate change? Discuss citing its key objectives.

“Surya Putra”/“Sunshine countries” was coined Shri Narendra Modi at global climate talks in Paris. The countries or nations which fall between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn are referred to by this term. The union of countries with abundant ..

Discuss the implications of so called Ezulwini Consensus adopted by African nations on India's interests.

Africa is an indispensible continent for India especially due to the possession of 54 votes in the UNSC. It could play a significant role for permanent candidature of India in the UNSC. However, on the prodding of China, Ezulwini Consensus ..