Page-34 of UPSC Questions

Critically examine India's concerns regarding the recently launched CPEC project, while suggesting policy options for India.

The CPEC is a 15-year project between Pakistan and Chin aiming to connect Kashgar to Gwadar port via PoK through a network of highways, railways and oil and gas pipelines and fibre optic cables. Accessibility to Indian Ocean and beyond ..

Highlight the issues faced by the agricultural marketing system in India.

Agricultural marketing system is key pillar in achieving the dual goal of food security and income security for producer. Includes sum total of operations undertaken in making available the produce to final consumer from farm gate. Issues faced: Inefficient marketing ..

"The importance of TAPI is beyond academic relevance and a subject matter of diplomatic talk shops."Discuss.

The Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline is a proposed natural gas pipeline project, which will transport Caspian Sea natural gas from Turkmenistan to India via Afghanistan and Pakistan. The project aims to benefit all the participating countries. For Turkmenistan, it will help to ..

"Reform of the labour law is vital for the revival of manufacturing sector in India, without which the "Make in India"campaign is doomed to fail."Discuss critically.

Labour laws in India have been stringent from years. India’s labour laws are restrictive in nature and hurt investments in the manufacturing sector by industrialists. No doubt, Indian labour force has remained much more disciplined and cooperative in the post-reforms ..

"The decision to end one-child policy has come too late."Discuss in the light of demographic problems being faced by China.

The One Child policy was implemented by Den Xiaoping. The main aim behind this policy was to control the expanding population which he felt was eating away the profits of the growing economy. And now after around 30 years, the ..

To what extent the proposed Goods & Services Tax has potential to alleviate the tax-on-tax problem? Substantiate your answer.

Model Answer: India’s federal system, allows both states and center to levy taxes separately over goods and services, which causes problem of “taxation over taxes” or “cascading-effect”. The large number of taxes over goods are not only problem for government ..

Enumerate the features of Mission Indradhanush and challenges in progressing towards full immunization coverage. Suggest remedial measures to address these challenges.

Mission Indradhanush was launched by the Ministry of health in 2015 to attain full immunization of children and pregnant and lactating women. Features of Mission Indradhanush: Greater role of ASHA and midwives in delivering vaccines. To search out for mothers ..

Despite that "living will" seems to be a corollary to passive euthanasia, why there is opposition to living will? Critically examine.

Passive euthanasia, is the act of withdrawing life support to a terminally-ill patient. The Supreme Court of India legalised passive euthanasia by means of the withdrawal of life support to patients in a permanent vegetative state  in 2011 as as part of the verdict ..

"In comparison to the rural regions, in recent times, there has been an exponential growth in the MFIs in urban areas."Discuss.

MFIs traditional market was the ‘unbanked’ rural India. However, there has been a shift from rural India to urban India. 67% of the MFI customers live in urban areas according to a survey. The reason for this exponential growth in ..

Critically examine the potential implications for small sector business and consumers.

Hint: The GST is unlikely to benefit the unorganized sector because it would not get any tax credit for purchases that it makes from organized sector. Further, if a business from unorganized sector sells the goods to unorganized sector, it ..