Page-33 of UPSC Questions
The new industrial policy, 1991 signalled a marked shift from the features of pre-1991 policies. Discuss.
The economic policies have been product of their times and new industrial policy 1991 was no different. Pre-1991 policies: Post independence state – Concerns of food insecurity. Absence of strong foundation of industry. Agriculture sector highly impoverished. Socialism with mix ..
How the inconsistency between Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code with other statutes covering children created anomalies? To what extent, the recent SC verdict does away this anomaly? Discuss.
Social evils like child marriage deny individuals with opportunities for education and self advancement. They violate their right to bodily integrity and meaningful life. Supreme Court ruled that a man who has sex with his minor wife is guilty of ..
Despite various initiatives to make tissue and organ donations transparent, there are various instances of corruption and violation of rules in organ transplantation. What are the issues with existing legal mechanisms? Also, what are the reasons behind the shortage of organs for transplantation? Examine.
World is witnessing the rise of chronic and non-communicable diseases with high morbidity and mortality. Organ replacement is one of the treatments for diseases like chronic kidney illness etc. Organs and tissue transplants are governed by the Transplantation of Human ..
Breakdown of one-party dominance in 1967 resulted in a profound alteration of the political setting of Indian federalism. Explain.
A dominant-party system is referred to as the political condition in which the presence of opposition groups or parties is allowed, but the election result shows a single-party dominance. The ruling party with more than one consecutive term is also ..
Lack of adequate financial resources does not allow the local bodies discharge their responsibilities properly. In this context, examine the various problems faced in mobilization of resources by Panchayati Raj Institutions.
The 73rd amendment to our constitution envisages a self-governing self- sufficient 3 tier government. 29 subjects are delegated to this 3rd tier governance. Gram Panchayats have been given various powers under the act. As per the provisions of the Constitution, ..
What can be the possible implications of putting water in Union List instead of its current position in State List and contrary to demand to put it in Concurrent List? Discuss.
As per the constitution of India, Water is currently a State subject. but the provisions are not that much clear as it looks. Coverage: The term water includes water supplies, irrigation, and canals, drainage, water storage, etc. Complications: The primary ..
Highlight the factors behind vector-borne disease increasingly becoming like epidemics in India. Suggest remedies for their control and management.
Vector borne diseases are those diseases which are spread by vectors like mosquitoes, e.g. malaria, dengue, etc. Epidemic proportions of such diseases: The incidence of vector-borne diseases have increased tremendously in recent years, with every metropolitan city facing an epidemic ..
Analyze the importance of farmer producer organizations (FPOs) for betterment of agricultural sector and farmers in India.
Central sector scheme of formalisation of farmer producer organisations (FPOs) aims to set up 10,000 FPOs by the end of year 2022. Farmer Producer Organisations: They are organised groupings of primary producers, farmers in this case. United by common interest, ..
The benefits of demographic divided cannot be reaped without providing skills to the large unskilled population. Discuss connecting skill development with skewed workforce.
Demographic Dividend occurs when the working age population is higher in a country driving economic growth. For India to reap the benefit of demographic dividend it needs to make 500 million youths employable by 2022. a) According to official data, ..
Several countries have made competing territorial claims over the South China Sea. Who are these parties and what are the reasons for the disputes? Discuss.
South China Sea is part of Pacific Ocean with eight littoral countries / territories viz. China, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore and Vietnam. The region has remained under territorial and jurisdictional claims, particularly over rights to exploit the region’s ..