Page-3 of UPSC Questions
"In last one and half year, the Global oil prices have fallen sharply."Examine the reasons and its implications for oil producers, consumers and environment.
The fall of oil prices globally can be cited by reasons: Low demand due to weak economic activities Growing switch away from oil to other fuels USA has become the world’s largest oil producer Saudis and their Gulf allies have ..
Explain the concept of Moonlighting. In light of the recent concerns raised by the IT sector over the practice of ‘moonlighting’, discuss the reasons behind the practice and possible solutions.
Moonlighting is the act of working at an extra job beyond regular working hours, usually without the knowledge of the employer. Moonlighting is not a new concept: We may remember some of our teachers, who worked in the school from ..
Cheaper oil will not eliminate structural challenges facing Asia's biggest economies although it presents a huge opportunity for both India and China. Explain.
India has all reasons to be pleased as the oil trends will spell a huge improvement in current account deficit, correct the government’s balance sheet and also tame inflation considerably. The government has to maintain a smart balance between cutting and ..
What is the ‘Solar Facility’ launched at the 5th ISA Assembly Meeting? Discuss its utility in enabling capital flow for solar power projects in under-served areas.
Solar Facility is a payment guarantee mechanism under the ISA framework. It was launched to attract investments into the solar energy sector, in line with the ISA goal of unlocking $1 trillion in solar energy investments by 2030. Solar Facility: ..
What are the pros and cons of a cashless economy? What are the measures taken by the government towards realizing a cashless society?
A cashless economy is one in which payments are performed digitally rather than traditionally using coins or cash, such as through digital wallets, net banking, mobile banking, and credit and debit card transactions. Merits: It would prevent black money ..
As the world begins to enjoy the fruits of Industry 4.0, comment on how India can ensure that its small enterprises aren’t left behind.
The world is currently going through a fourth industrial revolution, called Industry 4.0 and India being one of the fastest growing economies has the potential to lead it. Industry 4.0 can revolutionize the Indian market. Industry 4.0: It encompasses rapid ..
What are the advantages of compressed biogas? How will it help to achieve twin goals of becoming energy self-sufficient and increase farmers income?
Asia’s largest Compressed BioGas (CBG) plant has been opened up in Punjab recently. It is a step in achieving the objectives under the government’s SATAT (Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation) scheme. Compressed Biogas (CBG): It is a mixture of various ..
What are the pros and cons of launching polymer banknotes? Which countries are issuing such currencies?
Various forms of currency have been tried out throughout the globe. One such initiative has focused on polymer banknotes produced from biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) sheets, which enable the insertion of significantly more secure features such as metameric ink. ..
Examine the case for liberalizing the tax regime for expatriates. How would it help with India’s goal of becoming a global financial hub?
With FDI inflows reaching an all-time high of $83.5 billion in FY22, India has certainly become a desirable location for investment. However, as of 2022, none of the world’s top 50 Fortune 500 corporations has decided to establish their ..
What do you understand by energy security? Critically examine the link between Food, Water and Energy Securities.
Energy security is defined as the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price. Water is required in extraction, mining, and refining processes for mineral fuels like coal, producing electricity, and as drinking water. Conversely, energy is required in ..