Page-28 of UPSC Questions
The NGT is a unique institution with a role going beyond mere adjudication and having a capacity to provide redressal for environmental exigencies. Analyze.
The NGT was established in 2010 with an aim to provide faster resolution of environmental disputes. The role of NGT is not limited to merely adjudication but extends beyond: It has the capacity to suo-moto take cognizance of any issue ..
Examine the need of multi-year budgeting in the context of India.
India has been facing many issues in budgetary resource allocation, budget preparation and implementation. Multi-year budgeting is one of the areas being discussed as a solution. Pros of multi-year budgeting: Long term policy predictability. Reduced populism due to infrequent changes. ..
How India will be benefited from being a founding member of AIIB? Discuss various challenges in front of AIIB.
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has been launched by the Chinese President Xi Jinping in January, 2016. India is founding member of both IMF and the AIIB. India’s share of Special Drawing Rights (SDR) is only 2.28% it is ..
Elucidate the Government policy on FDI in Indian Railways. To what extent, liberalization in this policy is in favour of the Indian Railways? Discuss keeping view the social impacts.
Currently, FDI up to 100% is allowed in 17 segments of Indian railways such as Railways electrification, Signaling systems, Freight terminals etc but, FDI continues to remain prohibited in Railway Operations. To meet the budget deficit of railways in developing ..
The ASEAN bloc is the central part of India’s Act East Policy and SAGAR initiative. Discuss.
India has changed its foreign policy to put more emphasis on Eastern countries. The ASEAN bloc is important part of India’s policy and has been an important partner of India. Importance in Act East Policy: Act East policy of India ..
Discuss the key digital initiative taken by Ministry of Rural Development in recent years highlighting their potential in fixing the lacuane in India's rural development.
As per Census 2011, around 70% of the population lives in rural India, however the fund allocation and level of development are not symmetric to urban areas where only 30% of the population lives. Rural India is largely dependent on ..
"Budget serves as a public policy document expressed in money and is an embodiment of implied policy objective in monetary terms."With this reference assess the role played by budget in economy.
Model Answer: The budget document is the most important policy document, which contains both revenue and expenditure plans of government. The key functions of a government budget are discussed below: Public Policy Document The budget serves as a public policy ..
Critically discuss the impact of the Charter Acts of 1833 and 1853 on the administrative structure and policy-making in British India.
The Charter Acts of 1833 and 1853 were pivotal in reshaping the administrative and legislative landscape of British India. The Charter Act of 1833 marked a significant shift by centralizing the administration under the Governor-General of India, a move that ..
In light of the recent slew of US sanctions targeting the Chinese semiconductor industry, comment on the trade war between USA and China. What are the implications for the global economy?
The United States has recently passed an act, which forbids the US companies to export critical chip manufacturing tools to China, and also banned the US citizens and companies from supporting Chinese companies in advanced-chip making. Trade war between US-China: ..
Despite the important role played by pressure groups in governance, their credibility is under scanner due to lack of transparency in their representativeness, funding and relationship with the government. Discuss.
Pressure groups are the groups of like-minded people who come together to impact the legislation, execution in their favour. Pressure group play important role in governance: In giving voice to the unheard. Strengthening democracy. Representing the deprived, e.g. Mahila Shashaktikaran ..