Page-26 of UPSC Questions
Discuss the key problems in India's public health infrastructure establishing their link with India's development challenges.|
While India has done well in raising economic growth & lifting people out of poverty, progress in health outcomes has been rather slow. India faces a higher disease burden than other emerging economies. India still lags behind when it comes ..
Differentiate between Zero Based Budgeting and Incremental Budgeting. Why they are not adopted now? Examine.
Model Answer: Zero-based budgeting is a method of budgeting in which all expenses for each new period are considered and justified and no reference is made or considered of previous years. Incremental budgeting is a way of budgeting where the ..
G-20 is an important platform for pressing issues and India should lead in making G-20 more effective in dealing with some inequities of the system. Has G-20 become more pronounced for its bilateral meetings than the main summit? Comment.
G-20 in recent years has come to be watched for the meetings which happen on its sidelines than the ones which occur for substantive outcomes of the group. The group accounts for 85% of the GDP of the world and ..
The modernisation and development of railways is imperative for growth of India. However, railways has been lately facing crunch of funds for capital expenditure, which shows its weak financial position. Comment and suggest ways for better resource generation and utilisation.
The Indian railway is the lifeline of country and the most important means of mass transportation. However, it has been facing shortage of funds for modernization and development, for which it has turned to private investors and other credit sources. ..
The use of Natural gas as an important primary energy source is rising and expected to increase further. Identify the various uses of natural gas and give a brief account of its distribution globally.
The natural gas is a clean fossil fuel and forms important constituent of India’s energy basket. Uses of natural gas: As fuel for power generation. As fuel for industries, such as fertilizers, plastics, etc. Usage in households as LNG in ..
Highlighting the need for India to participate in Global Value Chains (GVCs), mention the associated concerns. Also suggest remedial measures.
Global value chains have helped the growth of East Asian economies (e.g. Japan, China, and South Korea) and are a path to prosperity for India too to leverage its demographic dividend. Significance of GVCs for India: Increase India’s integration with ..
It has been argued by some that increased penetration of technology and industrialization has led to increase in inequality in India, however the reasons for the same lie somewhere else. Critically analyze.
India has been lagging in various inequality indices (like Gender Inequality Index, Inequality Adjusted Human Development Index, increasing GINI’s coefficient) and failing to provide growth for all. Some argue this as a consequence of technology and industrialization. Their argument is: ..
"There are many similarities between the current day tax system and the Kautilya's system of Tax administration". Explain.
Model Answer: Kautilya’s tax administration was based on Kosha Moolo Danda, which means “revenue is the backbone of administration”,. This phrase has been used in the logo of Income Tax Department of India in Devanagari script. This implies that a ..
Critically discuss the introduction of private investment in Indian Railways taking examples of the experience of the western countries?
Investment in railways under various arenas like wagon procurement and leasing, freight trains and container operations, terminals and warehousing facilities etc are high capital investments and due to instability of governments in India this sector has remained far away from ..
What are the various ways in which India is helping Sri Lanka climb out of its crisis? How can India help its southern neighbour in future?
The year 2022 has been a tough year for Sri Lanka. The country faced an unprecedented economic crisis, which even led to political instability in the country. India being the nearest neighbour, offered the first helping hand. How India is ..