Page-23 of UPSC Questions
The digital financial inclusion in India has seen an exponential growth in past few years. Identify the factors responsible for it and steps taken by the government in this regard. Also, discuss the challenges that remain.
India has seen a revolution in the form of digitalization of financial transactions with such a sharp increase in this sector, being equal to what was envisaged to happen in decades. Factors facilitating digital financial inclusion: Penetration of mobile phones ..
What are the major issues around land rights in areas governed by Fifth and Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution? Discuss with suitable examples.
As per Article 244(1) of the Constitution of India, the Fifth Schedule to the Constitution deals with the administration and control of the scheduled areas and schedule tribes of India. It provides for the following: It extends the executive power ..
What do you understand by tax avoidance, tax evasion and tax planning? Objectively discuss various methods involved in the same.
Model Answer: Tax Avoidance means an attempt to reduce tax liability through legal means, i.e. to regulate one’s financial affairs in such a way that one pays the minimum tax imposed by the law. Tax Evasion is an illegal practice ..
Critically discuss the key proposals of Draft National Civil Aviation Policy 2015.
Draft National Civil Aviation Policy 2015 proposals are: To replace 5/20 rule with DFC (Domestic Flying Credits) system No scraping of route dispersal guidelines Open Sky Agreement with SAARC and other countries outside 5,000 km from New Delhi Boost to ..
What are the implications of the recent Israel-Lebanon maritime agreement for the situation in West Asia? What are its implications for the European energy crisis?
The recent Israel-Lebanon maritime agreement may offer good hopes for the Europe, which is undergoing economic, energy and conflict crisis due to the Russia-Ukraine war. The historic deal between the two bitter neighbours, that technically remain on war, has been ..
Critically analyze the Draft Pharmaceutical Policy 2017 suggestion to improve the quality of drugs in India?
Department of Pharmaceutical recently circulated Draft pharmaceutical policy. The policy aims to cover a range of issues including the quality of Indian drugs, the time taken for drug approval. Policy intends to reduce reliance on China & to encourage domestic ..
What are “minority institutions”? How are they different from other institutions? Discuss in the light of constitutional provisions.
A minority institute may be an institute that has been set up by either a religious or linguistic minority to foster its unique and special features. As per Article 30(1) of Constitution “All minorities, whether based on religion or language, ..
What are the tangible benefits of the geotagging of the assets created under MGNREGA? Elucidate the role of National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), ISRO and National Informatics Centre in geotagging.
MNREGA is an employment guarantee scheme however there are issues of corruption and leakage of funds during transfer. In order to tackle such leakage Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with National Remote Sensing ..
How is geopolitics contributing to global food insecurity? Suggest some solutions.
The Russia-Ukraine war has not only created instability in the European region but has also led to a global food shortage. We live in a highly globalized world, where a war is not just the loss of two countries rather ..
Discuss the salient features of the Sagarmala Project.
Sagarmala project is an initiative of government of India, which aims at port led infrastructure development in all the coastal areas of India to boost the maritime industry and economy. Its features are: Establishment of rail / road linkages with ..