Page-22 of UPSC Questions

Public private partnership (PPP) is needed to transform Indian railways; but the transition to PPP model needs to be managed carefully. Analyze.

Indian railways have been seeing PPP involvement in various forms like 150 passenger trains, Tejas, food deliver services, etc. PPP in Indian railways should be encouraged because: It pushes the operational efficiency up (current operating ratio of Indian railways is ..

The situation which is developing in the Gulf between US and Iran can be referred to as the Game of Chicken. Comment.

Game of Chicken is usually referred to a situation when two world countries are heading towards each other for gaining leverage. This is also known as the concept of game theory. The strategy behind the Game of Chicken is the ..

Indian stance on Pakistan that talks and terror cannot go together runs anti to the idea of reconciliation. Explain.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan has called on the Indian PM for resolution to the impending issues between the two countries notably the Kashmir issue, Siachen Glacier and also the Sir Creek matter. India has maintained that both ..

A fiscal stimulus is seen as an efficient tool for reviving economies from slowdowns; however it alone cannot handle cyclical and structural issues. Discuss in context of India.

The fiscal stimulus (based on Keynesian economics) has been the norm throughout the world to pull countries out of cyclical slowdown. Fiscal stimulus comprises: Tax cuts Fiscal benefits Easy loans Incentives to consume Support to demand Incentive to invest Role ..

For making Public Finance Management effective, India needs to reengineer its present system and make a transition towards outcome-based budgeting. Analyze.

The outcome-based budgeting system focuses on the qualitative outcomes of the budgetary expenditures. Need for present system to be re-engineered: Bottom up approach leading to high transaction costs. Outlays based budgeting lacks proper outcomes in terms of substantial gains on ..

Critically discuss the policy and legislative mechanisms in India to prevent child abuse? Why these mechanisms fail to act as the deterrent?|

Child abuse is a serious issue which can have an adverse impact on the growth and development of the child. Child abuse can be classified as emotional, physical and sexual abuse. The government has taken various legislative and policy initiatives ..

What ails India's Road Transport Economy? Discuss the initiatives taken by the Government to expedite projects under NHDP.

Problems with road transport in India: Maximum roads are two lane roads and hence traffic problem Only 2% road comes under NHAI which have better feasibility Condition for state highways, MDR and Gram Panchayat roads are pathetic Slow speed vehicles, ..

Critically analyze the debate on ‘one nation, one election’ in India while keeping light light the key arguments made for and against this idea by different stakeholders.

The idea of ‘one nation, one election’ in India, which would entail holding national and state elections simultaneously, has generated significant debate among various stakeholders. Proponents argue it would lead to greater efficiency and governance continuity, while critics contend it ..

In light of India’s recent performance in the Global Hunger Index, discuss the challenges and way forward in achieving food and nutritional security.

India has been ranked 107th out of 121 countries in the global hunger index of 2022. With a score of 29.1, India has been put in the serious category, where 0 indicates zero hunger. India was ranked 101st out of ..

The doctrine of separation of powers in India is followed in a way which lies somewhere between as followed in the US and UK. Comment.

The separation of powers refers to separate jurisdiction of executive, legislative and judiciary. Separation of power in the US: Strict demarcation, no overlap. The executive is not responsible to the Legislature. The Executive is headed by the President, who himself ..