Page-2 of UPSC Questions
To what extent the authority of OPEC in deciding the global oil prices has eroded? What are the factors that led to this erosion? Examine.
With the discovery of alternate Oil resources in North Sea and Alaska and other places in the world during 1980; reduced the dependence of other countries on OPEC countries for crude oil. Furthermore, within a short span of time, crude ..
Does the Indian fiscal situation call for the establishment of a fiscal council? Evaluate its utility in addressing the freebies issue.
A fiscal council is an independent fiscal institution with a mandate to promote stable and sustainable public finances. The Institution assists in calibrating sustainable fiscal policy by making an objective and scientific analysis. The freebies debate has highlighted the need ..
Critically examine the circumstances that led to Oil Crisis of 1973. To what extent similar circumstances might appear in near future? Discuss.
The collapse of Bretton Woods system was the major factor behind rise in oil prices and oil crisis of 1973.Earlier to 1973, the medium of exchange for US and many other countries was Gold. But, with the collapse of system ..
Explain how the PLI Scheme works. What are the advantages and challenges of the scheme?
The Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme Is an initiative of the government to boost the local production of domestic industries by providing them incentives. PLI Scheme: The government provides incentives on incremental sales from products manufactured in domestic units. The ..
Examine the case for the regulatory innovation in India’s efforts towards green transition.
Climate change is inarguably one of the greatest challenges faced by the world today. India has committed to become net zero by 2070, It will require a rapid transformation towards a green economy and sustainability. India’s efforts towards green transition: ..
Evaluate the performance of the National Asset Reconstruction Company Limited in cleaning up legacy bad loans. What are the major impediments to its effective functioning?
The Government sponsored National Asset Reconstruction Company Limited (NARCL) was formed in 2021 to fast pace the resolution of bad loans in the banking industry. The motive was to acquire all the bad loans from PSU banks and help them ..
How big a role is the FMCG sector playing in India’s economic recovery? What are the impediments to this sector’s growth?
The Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector deals with packaged goods that are consumed at regular intervals. It mainly includes household and personal care products, along with healthcare and food products. Importance of FMCG Sector: The sector is a major contributor ..
How successful has India’s spectrum policy been in enabling connectivity? Examine its limitations and the provisions under the new policy. Also suggest a way to use spectrum for ending the country’s digital divide.
The Draft Indian Telecommunications Bill, 2022 has been released and it will replace existing laws in the telecom sector, such as the Indian Telegraph Act 1885, Indian Wireless Telegraph Act 1933 and the Telegraph Wires (unlawful possession) Act 1950. The ..
India needs an Integrated Energy Policy to provide clean, safe and convenient form of energy to all sectors in an economically viable manner. Discuss Critically.
Integrated Energy Policy is a complete policy on Energy which is composed to explore alternative technologies and possible synergies that could increase the energy efficiency of a country and also meet the domestic needs for energy services. India’s energy requirement ..
In view of the recent geopolitical tensions, how can India ensure its energy security? What are the challenges presented by these geo-political tensions? Suggest a way forward.
India is dependent on imports for majority of its fuel supply. The ongoing geopolitical tensions around the world, including Russia-Ukraine war, tensions among gulf nations, have severely impacted India’s energy security. Geopolitical dynamics: Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, major ..