Page-19 of UPSC Questions
What is the spiral model in international relations? Explain in context of the Russia-Ukraine War.
The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war has raised concerns around the world and it is being cited as the most dangerous times after the 1962 Cuban Missile crisis. This has brought into debate the spiral model of international relations. Spiral model in ..
In the light of the looming fiscal crisis threatening the states, comment on the state government’s reliance on revenue from liquor and lotteries. How can the states boost their revenue inflow?
Recently, the governor of Kerala Arif Mohammad Khan has criticized the state government for excessively relying on sale of liquor and lottery to increase the revenue. This has sparked a debate, should the government sell sin goods? Arguments against: The ..
After doing mergers of several public sector banks, the government is planning for a second round of merger. Analyse how consolidation of banks can help in addressing the existing problems of the banking sector.
The central government in the past few years has extensively focused on merging smaller banks with larger ones to form a consolidated entity. Now the government is planning for a second round of merger of banks. The aim of the ..
Critically examine the bottlenecks in achieving rapid economic growth in India.
Economic development is referred to as the growth of the standard of living of the people of any country. It helps a nation to conduct an effective transition from a low-income economy to a high-income economy. Improvement of the local ..
"NJAC has impinged upon independence of judiciary and the doctrine of separation of powers."Argue.
The National Judicial Appointments Commission was established by the Union government of India by amending the constitution of India through the 99th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2014. It replaced the over two-decade-old collegium system followed for the appointments of the judges ..
Despite the role of NGOs in nation’s developmental ethos, it is the constitutional duty of the state to curb the activities of such NGOs which attempts to hamper national development. Discuss.
NGOs or non-governmental organizations are formally registered organisations aiming to render social service. NGOs are integral part of nation’s developmental ethos as: They act as a bridge between people and government. NGOs raise the voice of deprived sections. They fill ..
The Livestock-based integrated farming system (IFS) can help to achieve twin goals of doubling farmers’ income and making farming sustainable. Analyze.
Livestock-based integrated farming system brings together crop cultivation, fisheries, livestock rearing and agro-forestry to benefit farmers in multiple ways. Features of livestock-based IFS: Farmers cultivate crops and raise livestock simultaneously. Livestock provide organic manure (cow dung) for farms. Livestock rearing ..
"Article 312 of the Constitution provides for a national level judicial service, however, the plan of establishing an all India service for judicial officers is in limbo for the past five decades."Discuss the major issues around the issue while making a case for All India Judicial Services.
Article 312 of the Constitution provides for a national level judicial service. In spite of this provision, its establishment remains stranded. An All India Judicial Service carries certain advantages. There can be an independent body like UPSC which can conduct ..
"Economic growth means more output … Development goes beyond this …".In the light of your answer, comment on the performance of the Indian economy since Independence.
Economic growth refers the long term increase in real national output or real national income. Growth can be measured by an increase in a country’s GDP (gross domestic product). Economic development is broader in nature. It not only includes the quantitative ..
What are the shortcomings of higher education in India? Suggest some solutions.
Only 15 higher education institutions from India are in the top 1,000, despite the country having the biggest number of universities in the world—more than 900 in total. Current status of higher education in India: With 580 million individuals between ..