Page-15 of UPSC Questions
Discuss the tenancy reforms in independent India throwing light on their achievements.
Tenancy reforms aimed to regulation of rent, providing security of tenure and conferring ownership to tenants. Regulation of Rent: With the enactment of legislation for regulating the rent payable by the cultivators in the early 1950s, fair rent was fixed ..
Indian agriculture faces a new set of problems due to changing land holding pattern. Discuss its consequences and suggest ways to resolve such structural issues in agriculture.
Changing land holding pattern is one of the major problems in Indian agriculture sector. Changing land holding pattern: Land fragmentation – resulting in decreased revenue. Small land holdings – Inability to use large machinery. Prevalence of subsistence agriculture. Subleasing of ..
Critically discuss the performance of the National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM) since its launch in 2013 towards reducing poverty and vulnerability of urban poor households.
National Rural Livelihood Mission is a project implemented by the Ministry of Rural Development, GoI that intends to alleviate poverty in India. It mainly focuses on the promotion of self-employment and organizing the rural poor into Self Help Groups to ..
What do you understand by the so called Totalization of social security? Discuss in the light of India–US Bilateral Totalisation Agreement (BTA).
Hint: Totalization agreements are international social security agreements that help benefit rights of workers by eliminating dual social security taxation, both in the home country and the country where an employee works. India had signed totalisation agreements with several countries; recent ..
How is human capital different from human development? How can the process of human capital formation be accelerated?
Hint: Human capital refers to the skills, training, experience, education, knowledge, know-how, and competencies contributed by humans to a business, whereas human development in an economy is decided on the basis of composite statistic of life expectancy, education, and income per capita. Ways ..
Critically examine the performance of Land Ceiling acts / reforms in Independent India.
Land ceiling means fixing maximum size of land holding that an individual or family can own. The land above the ceiling limit, called surplus land and the surplus land is distributed among small farmers, tenants, landless labourers or handed over ..
Examine the effectiveness of the use of economic sanctions to halt nuclear weapon and missile programs of countries like North Korea. What is the way ahead?
The United States has time and again used the tool of economic sanctions as the primary means to exert pressure on North Korea to halt its nuclear and missile program. However, this strategy has abjectly failed as North Korea’s ballistic ..
Why is there a huge dependence on Chinese imports and why is there a need to reduce dependence on Chinese imports? What can be done to achieve this?
China is the global manufacturing hub and many countries including India depend on imports from China. India has a huge trade deficit with China, which makes the already complicated India-China relations even more difficult to navigate. Factors responsible for India’s ..
Do you agree with the view that growth is a necessary but not sufficient condition for development? Substantiate your answer.
Model Answer: Economic Growth is a narrower concept that relates to an increase in a country’s real level of national output which can be caused by an increase in the quality of resources such as, education level, increase in the quantity ..
The Surrogacy Act and the Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) Act came into force this year. What are the key provisions of these legislations? What are their shortcomings?
The Surrogacy (Regulation) Act 2021 and the Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act 2021 hence came into effect in 2022. Surrogacy is a multi-million dollar industry, which provides assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization and surrogacy. The act is ..