Page-14 of UPSC Questions
Discuss the efforts towards economic planning in India during the Pre-independence Period.
Model Answer: Idea of planned economy was first crystallized in 1930s when our national leaders came under the influence of socialist philosophy. India’s Five year plans were very much impressed by the rapid strides achieved by the USSR through five ..
The chronic under-investment in Indian Railways has not only impacted its operation but also created hurdles in speedy creation of infrastructure. Examine the challenges and steps taken by the government in this regard.
Indian Railways is a lifeline of the nation. It provides affordable transport to poor passengers and carries 40% of freight traffic. Challenges in infrastructure creation: Lack of budgetary Support – Government is facing fiscal deficit constraints. Railways is thus suffering ..
Despite the fact that the constitution of India has not prescribed any educational qualifications to contest for the Parliament and the State Assemblies; various states in India have prescribed minimum qualifications for Panchayat elections. How it affects our grassroot democracy? Discuss while putting Supreme Court observations in light.
It has rightly been said that only education gives human being the power to discriminate between right and wrong, good and bad; still our constitution has not prescribed any mandatory educational qualifications to contest for the Parliament and the State ..
"The overarching framework for India's fiscal policy is provided by the constitution."Amplify.
Model Answer: The overarching framework for India’s fiscal policy is provided by the constitution and the framework is made of: Article 246 Article 248 (residuary power of taxation) and Seventh Schedule Article 280 provision for Finance Commission Article 112 and ..
An overhaul of Agro-R&D is imperative for fulfilling of India’s obligations of doubling farmer’s income. Comment.
The Agriculture sector requires robust R&D to improve livelihoods, by raising yields and quality. Therefore, there is a need for the following measures: Liberalising salary structures and promotion criteria of research institutions like Indian Council for Agricultural Research. Performance based ..
What is Social Audit? While keeping powers and mandate of Gram Sabha in focus, throw light on various steps in social audit process in local bodies in India.
Social audit is a process wherein an organization / government undertakes periodic reviews and identifies grassroot problems in order to improve its future performance. The 73rd Amendment of the Constitution empowered the Gram Sabhasto conduct Social Audits in addition to ..
Discuss the importance of ASHA workers in India. What needs to be done to improve their working conditions?
ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) is a social health activist in the age group of 25 to 45 years, who serves as the first point of contact for health-related requirements of deprived sections of the rural population. They are vital ..
Livestock farming is crucial for increasing farmer’s income. However, it contributes to climate change and is also affected by it. Elaborate the statement and discuss some measures that can be taken to make livestock farming more sustainable as well as climate resilient.
Livestock farming is practiced by 60% of the rural population. It acts as a secondary source of income for farmers. It is one of the major contributors of greenhouse gases like methane, however, it is affected by global climate change ..
“In recent times, there has been a serious debate about the exact nature and objective of the Competition Commission of India as a quasi-judicial regulator.” Discuss while throwing light upon functions and roles of CCI.
The Competition Commission of India (CCI) was set up to replace the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission (MRTPC). It was established to eliminate practices that adversely affect competition in different industries/areas and protect interests of consumers and ensure freedom ..
Outline the Direct & Indirect Tax Reforms in India in recent times.
Model Answer: The tax reforms in India began with the Chelliah Committee recommendations and later on, government appointed the Vijay Kelkar Committee in 2002 which further provided direction to the tax reforms in the country. Direct Tax Reforms PAN (Permanent ..