Elucidate the role of moral reasoning as the foundation of rationally determining the ethical course of action.

Moral reasoning can be defined as the process in which an individual tries to determine the difference between what is right and what is wrong in a personal situation by using logic. This is an important and often daily process that people use in an attempt to do the right thing.  Moral reasoning forms the basis for ethical behavior and good decision making. The poor moral reasoning can result in incorrect decisions and with unintended / wrong consequences of an action.
Moral reasoning serves as the foundation of rationally determining the ethical course of action because it applies critical analysis to specific events to determine if an action is right or wrong; and what one ought to do in a particular situation. Moral reasoning helps to solve moral dilemmas as it applies logic wrapped in moral theories such as deontology or utilitarianism.
In other words, knowledge of ethical principles are important but the application of these principles lies in the moral reasoning as it determines what is right or wrong. As Moral reasoning uses available information to make a decision it laid the foundation for rationally determining ethical course of action.

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