The institutional arrangements in India for Real Time flood forecast are not only inadequate but also inefficient. To what extent, do you think the recently approved National Hydrology Project can be helpful towards this? Discuss

Most of the states in India are frequently suffering from floods. Yet the institutional arrangements in India for real time flood forecast are not only inadequate but also inefficient. Recent report of CAG mentions that majority of India’s flood forecast systems have either been washed away or their parts have been stolen. “Nearly 60% of the 375 telemetry stations set up between 1997 and 2016 are non-operational which defeats the purpose of investing in the modernization of flood forecast network. India must improve its flood forecasting capability hugely to minimize loss of lives and property
At this situation, GOI India has taken National Hydrology project with broad objectives. One of the aims of the project is to provide Real time flood forecasts in India in an efficient way.
How National hydrology project helps in real time flood forecast?
The project has been central to efforts in India to improve the planning, development, and management of water resources, as well as flood forecasting and reservoir operations in real-time. The project has led to a significant change in the availability and reliability of hydro-meteorological data in India
The NHP will help in gathering hydro-meteorological data which will be stored and analysed on a real time basis and can be seamlessly accessed by any user at the State/District/village level. 
It will strengthen the capacity of existing institutions to assess the water situation and equip them with real-time flood forecast systems across the country. It will also reduce time for flood forecast from 1 day to at least 3 days.

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