Indian polity is influenced by Westminster model of government, but it is also unique in its own way. In this context, discuss the commonalities and differences between the political system of India and UK.

Indian polity is heavily influenced by the Westminster system of government, prevalent in Great Britain adopted by our founding father for its simplicity and familiarity.


  • Real & nominal executive (Prime minister is head of government while Queen/President is Head of state).
  • Majority party rule.
  • Executive part of legislature.
  • Collective responsibility of executive (council of ministers) to legislature.
  • Harmony between executive & legislature organs of government.
  • Leadership of Prime Minister.


  • Head of state in UK is hereditary (Queen) while in India, President is indirectly elected.
  • Prime Minister from House of Commons in UK while he can be from any house in India.
  • Mandatory membership of ministers of Parliament in UK, in India, can be elected within 6 months.
  • No legal responsibility of ministers in India – do not need to countersign acts.
  • No institution of Shadow Cabinet in India.

While being influenced by the Westminster system, Indian polity has its own features dictated by socio-political necessities of Indian polity & society.

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