Indian Navy is very active in Indian Ocean Region. Discuss the role played by the Indian Navy to maintain its presence in the said area.

In recent past, geostrategic importance o f Indian Ocean Region has seen gradual mainly after piracy incidents off the Somalia coast and China�s increasing naval presence.
Recently an expansion of its Mission Based Deployments (MBD) in the Indian Ocean Region took place. The Navy deployed its P-8I long-range maritime surveillance aircraft for anti-piracy sorties from Salalah in Oman to patrol the Gulf of Aden.
Role of India Navy in Indian Ocean Region:
Indian Navy deployments in the IOR have been strengthened under the Mission Based Deployment concept. Under MBD concept, In addition to the anti-piracy deployment, IN ships were also Mission Deployed for which are as follows:

  • Operation GULFDEP in the Persian Gulf
  • Operation CENTDEP in the central Indian Ocean Region
  • Operation NORDEP in the northern Bay of Bengal
  • Operation MALDEP in the Andaman Sea and approaches to the Malacca Strait
  • Operation POGDEP is Anti-piracy patrolling of the Gulf of Aden.

Indian Navy regularly deploys ships for Presence and Surveillance Missions (PSM) at critical choke points / sea lanes in the IOR.

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