India must concentrate on wellness for a sustainable Health care. Justify.

The proposal by the NITI Aayog to transform rural health sub-centres into ‘wellness clinics’ and take health care to rural people is a great idea.
Ayurveda and scientific medicine say that illnesses either have causes that pertain to behaviours (lifestyle) or are due to intrusions from the environment. Knowledge about the origins of diseases can help in preventing diseases. Thus it helps in protecting health both in individuals and among people at large. Managing health at an individual level is health care and at the community level is public health.
India needs to concentrate on wellness through

  • Regular checks to detect early signs of aberration are essential and ought to be conducted routinely through antenatal care and immunisation. This will aid in building a healthy environment and also providing early interventions which will enhance the efficacy of the health care.
  • Interrupting the transmission channels of disease-causing microbes for disease-prevention intervention by public health authorities. This will aid in preventing the environmentally-transmitted infectious diseases.
  • A full-fledged division of public health in the health ministry to bring a renewed focus towards wellness as mentioned in the health policy of 2017.

India has made the beginning by committing to promote wellness in the national health policy 2017. This commitment must be corroborated by increasing spending on social infrastructures to promote hygiene, Sanitation and vaccinations. This wellness driven policy will lay foundation for the sustainable health care.

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