In view of the recent invasion of Ukraine, how has Russia’s position in Asia changed? How are its actions altering Asian geopolitics?


The “season of summits” in Asia is being skipped by the Russian President. The fallout from his aggressiveness toward Ukraine will undoubtedly alter Asian geopolitics.

Consequences for Asia:

  • The relationship between Russia, China, and the US will be significantly impacted by it. 
  • The collaboration between Russia and China will be further deepened by it.
  • There are fears amongst China that a weakened Russia may shift the US policy to turn it against China. Hence, China may try to normalize its relations with the US.
  • Many in Asia had bought into the Russian and Chinese propaganda about the “new power of the East” and the “pathetic dysfunction in the West”.
  • The withdrawal of the US forces from the Afghanistan and Ukraine crisis is being used as propaganda for the “rise of the East” and “decline of the west”.
  • The US’s Indo-Pacific strategy is making steady progress, hence China’s dominance in Asia will continue to be challenged by the US.
  • The risk of nuclear threat has forced many countries such as Japan and Taiwan, to increase their defense spending and strengthen their military capabilities to build deterrence against external threats such as China.

Way forward:

In the present dynamic geopolitical situations, India must keep its national interests as priority and also become Atmanirbhar in all spheres.

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