In respect of the ill effects of climate change, discuss about the recent IPCC report pointing to the impact of global temperatures.

In respect of the ill effects of climate change, discuss about the recent IPCC report pointing to the impact of global temperatures. 

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released a report on the ill effects of higher global temperatures on land, oceans and the cryosphere. The report is out when countries are meeting in Madrid for the UN conference. 

Member nations of the Framework Convention on Climate Change look to finalise measures under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to commoditise carbon emissions resulting to make cuts financially attractive to reduce emissions. 

Scientists make decisions on actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, point out that even under optimistic scenarios human livelihoods, biodiversity and food systems face a serious threat from climate change. 

Oceans and frozen areas on land, face accelerated rates of loss, particularly in the Arctic, Antarctic and Greenland. The result will be a destructive rise of sea levels, increased tropical cyclone Greenland, the Arctic and the Antarctic, will produce a destructive rise in sea levels,  increases in tropical cyclone winds, extreme waves and a relative rise in sea level. 

All this will affect the marine life and is significant for countries like India, which has a long coastline. A projected rise in sea level poses threat to the millions of residents living in low-coastal areas and for the ones living in small islands. 

The IPCC assessment recognizes the need for action in all countries that have significant greenhouse gas emissions. It strengthens the case for developed countries to provide transparent funding to developing countries under the Paris Agreement. 

In Madrid the developed world will be focusing on creating a global system of accounting for emissions reductions, bring in credible carbon market and making gains from the market available to developing nations to invest in green energy. With scientists predicting a high degree of losses arising from climate change, there needs to steady progress in addressing damage. There is a need to bridge the gap between planned cuts and what needs to be done by 2030.

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