In light of the recent debate on Hindi vs English, examine the status of vernacular in India. What are some benefits of using vernacular in education?

Linguistic diversity of India poses two different challenges. One being the imposition of Hindi as the primary language across the country. This has met with resistance across different states. And second being the status of vernacular languages. Vernacular language is a local language commonly spoken by a community. It is distinct from what is seen as the standard language.

Status of vernacular languages:

  • The vernacular languages have become increasingly confined to identity, culture, and a marker of second-class status.
  • The main issue is that the vernacular languages which are linked to identity and culture are different from the language of knowledge, privilege and access.
  • English is considered as the language of power since it opens the frontiers of knowledge and access to privilege.
  • Hindi language is seen as closing off the access to frontiers of knowledge in science, law and civic studies as the translation mission has not been successful in translating knowledge in vernacular.
  • India has adopted a two-language formula, but it is not effective as it produces a superficial bilingualism.
  • Indians may be able to speak two or three languages. But, equal access to knowledge is not available in both languages. And the third language is of no use as there is a lack of competence in that language.
  • Keeping in mind the employability there is a demand for education in the English language.
  • English is also glorified by several suppressed sections of society as a sign of emancipation.

Benefits of Regional Language:

  • It eliminates the conundrum of favouring the English language over any other vernacular language.
  • It  allows the people to naturally think in their own tongue.
  • Studies have shown that using a regional language instead of English improves students’ learning outcomes.
  • Students studying in their original tongue perform better in the subjects of math and science.
  • Inadequate English proficiency has been linked to student performance and dropout rates at educational institutes.
  • Additional Advantages for the Underprivileged.

Way forward:

The New Education Policy places a strong emphasis on strengthening the mother tongue, which should be used as a language up to at least the fifth or eighth grade.

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