Hunger and Poverty are the biggest challenges for good governance in India still today. Evaluate how far successive government have progressed in dealing with these humongous problems. Suggest measures for improvement.

Hunger and poverty have been a great concern for India over the decades. About 5.5% of the total population of India are living in extreme poverty. As the fastest growing economy, a declining trend has been noticed in the country but it is the biggest challenge for good governance in India still today.

Steps taken

  • During the fifth five year plan, Indira Gandhi called for the poverty alleviation program which is popularly known as “Garibi Hatao”.
  • Focusing on India’s food security, the government introduced the public distribution system of food grains at cheaper prices to eradicate hunger.
  • The government launched the MGNREGA scheme to ensure the ‘right to work’.
  • Subsidies have been provided in the agricultural, fuel, transport sectors.

Problems and reasons

The government had taken a lot of initiatives but due to inconsistency with the same intensity, until the formation of the plan, most of them had become a failure. The other problems include

  • The corruption involved during the time of the selection of the beneficiaries.
  • Lack of funds, management, and governance.
  • Minimum wage problem in MGNREGs.
  • Lack of awareness about various government schemes.
  • Lack of strong leadership behind the implementation program.

Way out

  • The minimum wages for unskilled sectors should be increased.
  • Availability of high-quality child care and providing them early education facilities.
  • Introduction of free-market policies to promote overall economic growth.
  • Steps should be taken in order to achieve self-sufficiency (Atma Nirbhar Bharat).
  • Introduction of welfare schemes for farmers.


Considering all the factors and impediments to the poverty alleviation and food security government should restructure the units of the entire system with immediate effect. It will definitely reduce the problem of poverty by ensuring the right to work and adequate food.

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