How far is Integrated Farming System (IFS) helpful in sustaining agricultural production?

Integrated Farming System (IFS) provides for an interrelated and interlocking production system based on cropping, animals and related subsidiary enterprises in such a way that maximize the utilization of nutrients of each system and minimize the negative effect of these enterprises on the environment.

Sustainable Agricultural Production

  • The IFS provides for an integrated approach to increasing farm yield and managing resources in order to address all three critical aspects of sustainability: economic, environmental and social.
  • The IFS provides for diversification of farm income sources. Indian agriculture is referred to as gamble. By diversification of sources, the IFS provides for a safety net to farmers.
  • Intercropping, Animal Husbandry practices also aid in increasing the fertility of the soil. This also reduces the dependency on chemical fertilizers and also aids in getting better yields.
  • IFS promote the efficient management of resources. This enhances the productivity of the farming.
  • The IFS promotes for rejuvenation of systems productivity and to achieve agroecological equilibrium.

The IFS provides for low-cost farming systems suitable for Indian conditions, based on the principles of productive utilization of farm wastes and fuller utilization of available resources and manpower.

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