Highlight the vulnerabilities in the cyber security architecture of India. Also, discuss the measures to deal with this.

Cyber security refers to the defences elected against malafide attacks on the ICT infrastructure.

Types of attack:

  • Keyloggers and data recorders.
  • Virus to bug system and track
  • Coordinated State attacks.
  • Trojan horse software.
  • Server overload and crashing.


  • Lack of centralised response authority. Currently powers of Cert-In under Meity are very limited.
  • Critical information infrastructure such as radio Towers, satellites and weather systems.
  • Nicola power plants, army installation, and power grid.
  • National Optical Fibre grid, data centre, etc.
  • Weak legislative Framework under the IT Act and poor punishment mechanism.
  • Many organisations have not appointed their cyber security officer and have poor SOP in place.
  • Lack of Skilled cyber security professionals and technicians.
  • Control over data by Indian author is a very superficial as most of the technological companies are located outside Indian jurisdiction.


  • New cybersecurity code and stringent provisions in IPC.
  • Creation of national cybersecurity authority with powers of Civil Court.
  • National Centre for protection of critical information infrastructure to be given more funds.
  • Setting up Institutes of excellence to do research into cyber security.
  • Organise ‘smart hackathon’ and ethical hacking workshop to understand risk and also plug vulnerabilities.
  • Testing new defences in sandbox mode.

Way forward:

Cyber security is needed if India wants to be Sashakt, Samarth, and Aatmanirbhar.

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