The discussion about the great seats of learning in ancient India is often confined to north and North West India, while such examples in South India don't find much attention. Throw light upon three great seats of learning that developed in ancient South India while highlighting their impacts on overall life in South.

Some of the great seats of learning in ancient South India and their impacts on overall life in South are as follows:
Madura (Madurai) was the capital city of the Pandya kings; ancient Madurai can be traced back to the Sangam Period. It was a great seat of leaning. As per traditions, the Pandya capitals were the home, at different times, of three different Tamil Sangams and the first was held at Tenamadurai. The impact of Madurai as seat of learning was particular on evolution of Tamil Sangam Literature. Even today, Madurai is the place where most chaste Tamil is spoken.
Kanchi is one of the most ancient cities of India that flourished even centuries back Christian era. It was first mentioned in Mahabhasya of Patanjali which dates 2nd century BC. During 3rd to 9th century, Kanchipuram remained as capital of Pallavas. From 10th century to 13th century it remained under Cholas and 14th onwards, it was under Vijayanagar empire. During all these years, it remained an excellent seat of learning for Tamil language and literature. Kanchi was also only city in South India to host universities or ghatika.
During the rule of Satavahans, Acharya Nagarjuna established a University at Nagarjunakonda in present Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. It was one of the famous Buddhist University in ancient India and it attracted students from as far as China, Gandhara, Bengal and Sri Lanka.

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