“From both economic and environmental standpoints, cultivation of pulses make sense.” Explain.

Keeping  both environment and economic point of view .Main contributions of pulses to indian agricultural and economic development are as fallows.
Pulses are rich in proteins and found to be main source of protein to vegetarian people of India.
2. It is second important constituent of Indian diet after cereals.
3. They can be grown on all types of soil and climatic conditions.
4. They give ready cash to farmer.
5. Pulses being legumes fix atmospheric nitrogen into the soil.
6. They play important role in crop rotation, mixed and intercropping, as they help maintaining the soil fertility.
7. They add organic matter into the soil in the form of leaf mould.
8. Pulses are generally not manured or requires less manuring.
9. They are helpful for checking the soil erosion as they have more leafy growth and close spacing.
10. They supply additional fodder for cattle.
11. Some pulses are turned into soil as green manure crops.
12. Majority pulses crops are short durational so that second crop may be taken on same land in a year.
13. They provide raw material to various industries.
Ex. Dal industry, Roasted grain industry, Papad industry etc.

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