Examine the composition and importance of Law Commission of India.

Model Answer
Law Commission appointed for a period of three years by the government is an ad hoc and advisory body. It consists of: a full-time Chairperson; four full-time Members (including a Member-Secretary); Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs as ex-offcio Member; Secretary, Legislative Department as ex-offcio Member, and not more than five part-time Members.
Inspired by parts of Constitution such as Fundamental Rights and DPSP, it gives recommendations, over laws to be amended or repealed, to serve the changing needs of the country. Its recommendations are not binding. The body itself is neither constitutional nor statutory. It’s one of the British legacies. However, it has played important role in various law reforms in the country. Many laws have been repealed, revised and updated on recommendations of law commission. Further, as an academic research body also, its role has been recognized and lauded (by Supreme Court). Supreme Court has referred to the work done by the Law Commission and followed its recommendations. (160 words)

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