Examine the challenges posed by China's Belt and Road initiative for India.

China is aiming to rejuvenate its ancient maritime silk route through one belt and one road initiative. This initiative of china poses a series of challenges to India
Undermines India’s Sovereignty
China Pakistan Economic corridor which is part of one road initiative is passing through regions of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK). China’s didn’t consult India even after being aware of the fact that POK is a disputed territory. This undermines sovereignty and integrity of India.
String of pearls
The initiative through its various sub components like CPEC and maritime silk route is encircling India. This will provide China with an opportunity to pressurise and contain India in the Indian Ocean region.
Increasing China’s sphere of Influence
Through the initiative china is making inroads into Indian Ocean region and Bay of Bengal which are traditionally under India’s sphere of Influence.
Trade Balance
China already has trade surplus with large number of nations. This is aiding its hard power tactics. This initiative aims at providing greater access for Chinese products. Hence China would be in more authoritative position as china is also investing in these countries through Soft loans. This may disrupt India’s trade relations.
One Belt and road Initiative lacks transparency in its objective and design. The Initiative through building of infrastructure in various countries aids china in attaining its motives rather than to promote the interests of host countries. This provides for an opportunity for India. India must expedite with Asia-Africa growth corridor along with Japan to counter the one belt and road initiative of China.

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