Enumerate the salient features of National Dairy Plan Phase-I.

The National Dairy Plan phase-I was introduced in 2012 to develop the dairy sector of the country. The project was mostly funded by the International Development Association of the World Bank. The first phase mainly focused on two main areas i.e. increased milk production and improved breed development.


The project was launched to help boost the productivity of milch animals and enhance milk production to meet the demand for milk and to provide assistance to rural milk producers with more prominent access to the organized milk-processing sector.

Salient features

  • The productivity enhancement aims at boosting bovine productivity through conducting a scientific approach for animal breeding and nutrition. The sub-components under the productivity enhancement include the production of high genetic merit; strengthening of existing semen stations; formulation of a pilot model for viable doorstep AI delivery services, etc.
  • Setting up milk procurement systems for weighing and quality testing of milk. The sub-components include the cooling of milk, setting up the institutional structure, provide adequate training, collection, and testing.
  • Management of project and learning for efficient coordination of projects among various EIAs, convenient preparation, and implementation of annual programs, regular inspection, and reporting of plan progress and outcomes.

Way forward

The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) is going to launch the National Dairy Plan phase-II very soon. It will focus on the development of infrastructure and the growth of market access, especially in inaccessible areas. The plan is to include the provision of milk quality testing equipment at key milk procurement centers. For the first time, it will provide compensation to private players in the field.

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