Enumerate the benefits of the CCR5-Delta 32 Mutation to the Indian Bioinformatics Industry.

Cysteine-cysteine chemokine receptor 5 is a protein on the surface of white blood cells.�It is found in the cell membranes of many types of mammalian cells, including nerve cells and white blood cells.
Various mutations of the CCR5 gene are known that result in damage to the expressed receptor.�One of the mutant forms of the gene is�CCR5-delta 32, which results from deletion of a particular sequence of 32 base-pairs.
Benefits of CCR5 �Delta 32 Mutation:

  • The CCR5-delta 32 mutation acts like a door lock which prevents HIV from entering into the cell
  • About 1% of people, who are descendents from Northern Europeans, are homozygous carriers of the mutated gene. Thus, they are immune to HIV infection.
  • This mutation interferes with the localization on the cell surface of the protein for which CCR5 codes, reducing HIV binding and infection

People with a DNA mutation that reduces their chance of HIV infection may die sooner, according to a study that suggests tinkering with a gene to try to fix one problem may cause others. These successful cases marks critical moments in the search for an HIV cure and give hope that scientists will one day be able to cure AIDS.

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