Draw out a comparison between Savannah and steppe types of climate in terms of economic and geographical aspects.

Savannah and steppe are both global climatic and ecosystem versions, characterised mainly by presence of grasslands and rarity of trees and forests.

Savannah type:

  1. Geography-
    1. Tropical grasslands.
    2. Found in subtropical Africa and South America.
    3. Long, wet summers.
    4. Short, dry winters.
    5. Abundance of wildlife.
    6. Absence of or rarity of tree vegetation.
    7. Moderate temperature (10°C) and limited rainfall (60 to 70 cm).
  2. Economic-
    1. Predominantly tribal living.
    2. Domestication of animals.
    3. Pastoralist economy.
    4. Dependence on hunting-gathering by primitive residents.

Steppe type:

  1. Geography-
    1. Temperate grasslands.
    2. Found in all north hemisphere continents, e.g. Americas, Asia, Europe.
    3. Patches also in the Southern hemisphere, e.g. Argentina, Australia, South Africa.
    4. Long, dry winters.
    5. Short, cold summers.
    6. Lesser rainfall.
    7. Large patches of cultivated grasslands.
  2. Economy-
    1. Extensive commercial farming.
    2. Animal husbandry.
    3. Animal products exports.
    4. Mixed and truck farming.

Both grassland ecosystems have multifaceted socio-ecological significance.

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