Discuss the spatial distribution of major fishing grounds around the world.

The major fishing areas around the world are as follows:

  • The Northwest Pacific Region is the leading fish producer area. This region accounts for about a quarter of the total world catch.
  • Northeast Atlantic and the adjacent waters of the Arctic extending from Norway to Great Britain and Iceland constitute the second major fishing region. This region is known for the world’s best cod-fish­ing grounds.
  • Nor­way, Great Britain, Denmark, Iceland and Green­land are the important fishing countries of this region. The important fishing banks in this region include the Grand Bank and St. Pierre Bank.
  • Southwest Pacific Region along the western coast of South America is the third major fishing region. This re­gion is best known for the anchovy harvested off the western coast of Peru. The northward flowing cold Peru (Humboldt) Current provides ideal environ­mental for anchovy as it is associated with upwelling of nutrient rich colder water.
  • The West Central Pacific is the fourth important fishing region. Fish catch from this region equals that from the southwest Pacific region. This fishing region in Southeast Asia extends from north of Philippines and Indonesia to the Australian coast in the south. This is an extensive region and a variety of fish are caught here.
  • The North Western Atlantic is the fifth major fishing region. This region extends along the eastern coast of Canada and US and includes the famous Grand Banks and the Georges Bank. Canso Bank, Sable Island Bank, La Have Bank, Brown’s Bank, Jaferey Bank and Middle Bank are also situated in this region. Convergence of the Lab­rador Current and Gulf Stream near the New Foundland enhances fish productivity in this region. Cod is the most important fish of this region.

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