Discuss the salient features of the town planning in Indus Valley Civilization.

There was a sophisticated concept of town planning in the Indus Valley Civilization. From excavations we get to to know that there was flourishing urban architecture. Some of the features are listed below:
Grid Pattern
Harappa and Mohen-Jo Dero were laid out on a grid pattern and had provisions for an advanced drainage system. Streets were oriented east to west. Each street was having a well organized drainage system.
City Walls
Each city in the Indus Valley was surrounded by massive walls and gateways. The walls were built to control trade and also to stop the city from being flooded. Each part of the city was made up of walled sections.
The acropolis and the lower cities
A typical city would be divided into two sections, each fortified separately.
One section was located on an artificially raised mound (sometimes called acropolis) while the other level was on level ground.
The acropolis contained the important buildings of the city, like the assembly halls, religious structures, granaries and in the great bath in case of Mohenjo-Daro.
The lower section of the city was where the housing for the inhabitants was located.
The Residential Buildings
The residential buildings were mainly made up of brick and consisted of on open terrace flanked by rooms. These houses were made of standardized baked bricks as well as sun dried bricks. Some house seven had multiple stories and paved floors.
In-house wells
Almost every house had its own wells, drains and bathrooms. The in-house well is a common and recognizable feature of the Indus Valley Civilization.
Drainage System
Each house was connected directly to an excellent drainage system, which indicates a highly developed municipal life.
The largest building found at Mohenjo-Daro is a granary, running 150 feet long, 75 feet wide and 15feet high.


  1. Karvy

    July 19, 2020 at 4:00 pm

    Thank you. It helped a lot😊

  2. Karvy

    July 19, 2020 at 4:01 pm

    Thank you.


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