Discuss the potential of progress in genomics and bioinformatics towards better healthcare in India.

Bioinformatics and genomics are rapidly grown in the field of bio-medical research It is likely to transform our biomedical understanding forever. setting up the trend of using Information technology and computational science in medical field representing the Advancement in medical healthcare systems.Lot of convergence happened in medical field from traditional wisdom of medicine to the bioinformatics by applying the technology and computing system .
Assuring with personalized ,predictive and preventive methods in health care systems .Bioinformatics knowns as computational biology using information and computing science to manage the data of medical reports and individual patient data .These bioinformatics building strong bridge between the information and research systems in medical research .Genomic medicines will be testing the individuals for their genetic predisposition to disease( using these information in personalised predictive ,and preventive system in healthcare systems ) which is very simple comparing to the large scale gentics testing systems which is Present today.
This could be called as revolution in the medical field which having potential to change the present practise in medicine like diagnostics,therapeutics,and prognostics,through high technologies and genomic database. So we can say the revolution of century in the field of medicine .for this india has to collect the genetic information of its population and train manpower capable of interpreting it . These knowledge could then also be quickly applied for the task of managing diseases.present in india very less medicial hospitals has access to these types of genetic technologies .India second populous country in the world would definitely will be benefited through the highly technology based healthcare systems to regulate the people’s health in its country.This transformation would be able to address the number of issues arising due to the inadequate standard of health care systems.

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