Discuss the potential of “Integrated Law Enforcement Centres” and “Smart walls” on India’s border areas to address the prevailing security challenges.

India has a very long border and poses several security threats due to the presence of hostile neighbours like Pakistan & China. It is essential to neutralize these threats to ensure safety and trade across borders.

Potential of Integrated Law Enforcement Centres:

  • Such integrated check posts have been established by India at the border with Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.
  • They can help to tackle all the regulatory issues including trade, migration, crime, etc.
  • It eliminates the need to deploy multiple personnel for different law enforcement.
  • Unified personnel can be more effective in dealing with inter-connected issues.

Potential of Smart Walls:

  • India has deployed smart walls through a comprehensive integrated border management system along borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh.
  • These smart walls integrate land, water, air, and underground surveillance.
  • It further uses multiple technologies like laser, sonar, radar, etc in addition to manual surveillance.

Such innovative steps can go a long way in making India’s border more secure and border communities safer.

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