Despite consistent efforts made by successive government rural development still seems to be a distant dream? Critically examine the challenges to rural development schemes at structural, functional and implementation level?

The policies and programme of rural development, aimed at alleviating rural poverty, generating employment, eradicating hunger and improving human development index have tried to meet these objective but still rural development is a distant dreams. Various challenges as structural, functional and implementation level are as follows:
Structural Level
On structural level, the planning as well as implementation remains full of problems. There is no scientific planning at grass root level and till now, most schemes are planned at top and imposed upon the bottom strata, while it should be reverse for optimum results. The lack of coordination among between ministries and department is a major issue. For example, lack of coordination between housing and sanitation leads to constructions without proper toilets.
Functional Level
On functions level, the selection of implementation agencies for rural development programmes is haphazard. In most cases, it results in the wastage of valuable public resources, and unnecessary delays. Similarly, there are no proper concurrent evaluations to get feedback about further improvement of the programmes.
Implementation Level:
The key issues on implementation include negligence, lack of result oriented strategy and action plan, faulty institutional mechanisms which often don’t reconcile with the objectives. For better implementation of schemes the persons who were actually implementing the schemes are not  well trained ,well paid and sufficiently motivated. Further, lack of participation from people at local level and inadequate financial, manpower and resources devoted to implementation are other challenges.  Hence the successful and sustainable development can be achieved only when these issues are resolved.

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