Describe the situation of Indian women in society and why MPs advocating for ‘lynching’ and other mob justice type punishments for rapists is an abdication of responsibility by the Parliament and Politicians?

Tens of thousands of Indian women face sexual assaults almost every other day, both in their homes and outside in the world. Over time as they grow up from little children to mature adults, it shapes their views on how to behave, how to avoid things and people, how to respond to the opposite gender, the careers they can or cannot opt for, and perhaps most importantly how much freedom and liberty they experience in our society. If that is not enough the limits caste, religion and class impose on them further suffocates them. 

Those few plucky souls who are strong enough to seek justice often end up traumatized by the very organs of the state which are there to protect them, the police and the judiciary.

Times like these demand that the people and their leaders take strong action to protect the most vulnerable in our society. Unfortunately, the parliament responds with blind bloodlust with MPs calling for the lynching of the people involved in this heinous crime. It should be made clear that occasional violence committed to satiate public anger now and then won’t stop deep systemic issues that plague the Indian society and the organs of the state which have not been able to cope with rising crimes against women.  

From Jaya Bachchan (Rajya Sabha MP) to Lok Sabha MP Mimi Chakraborty this demand for instant on the spot mob-like justice from the highest levels of the parliament demonstrates lack of seriousness in dealing with the issue at best and abdication of responsibility at worst. The lawmakers of the country have been placed in their high office in order to govern and legislate and make the society the best version of itself, not to promote barbarism and anarchy in the society. 

The Justice Verma Committee, which submitted its report in the aftermath of the December 2012 Nirbhaya anti-rape protests, supported the idea that the role of the government was not to dole out more stringent punishment, like what is being advocated by certain parliamentarians but to work towards creating public places and cities that make women feel safe, and justice systems that deliver time-bound justice, whatever it may be. Since 2012, the politicians and the commentariat have failed to address the inequality in our society and the safety of women. Women of the country deserve answers far better answer than this.

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