What are recent CSIR attempts to develop Green Crackers?

The pollution levels in the urban centres during the Diwali are at substantially higher levels due to the practice of bursting of crackers. There are demands to impose blanket ban the firecrackers. This poses a difficulty due to religious reasons. Hence an alternative of green crackers are being explored.

Green Crackers:

Green crackers are less harmful as compared to the conventional firecrackers. Green crackers do not contain harmful chemicals. As a result there would be less pollution.

Attempts at developing Green crackers:

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is working on developing green crackers as an alternative. The council has also undertaken field trials to determine their feasibility:

  • CSIR is working on developing firecrackers that reduce the emission of particulate matter by 30-35% and other hazardous chemicals like nitrous oxide and sulphur dioxide.
  • One of the prototypes generates water molecules, which acts as a dust suppressant. The other prototype reduces aluminium content.
  • Scientists have also developed potential sound-emitting functional prototypes which do not emit sulphur dioxide.
  • The prototypes of flower pots which substitutes barium nitrate with an eco-friendly version are also being tested.
  • The possibility of e-Crackers is also being explored.

CSIR has sent these prototypes to the Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO) which control and administer the usage of explosives. Once these prototypes are approved, the CSIR will start working with manufacturers for mass production. These green crackers which are free of arsenic, mercury, lithium, antimony and lead will aid immensely in reducing pollution levels.

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