Critically elucidate the circumstances in which Gandhi and Ambedkar developed different perspectives in context with the amelioration of problems of depressed classes.

Both played   complementary   roles   in   their   fight   against   Untouchability. Difference just lied in their approach. 
Firstly, Gandhi was not in favour of discarding the caste system.  He  looked upon  the  depressed  classes  as  a  part  of  Hindu  society,  whereas  Ambedkar wanted to do away with the caste system as it was beyond reforms.
Secondly, Ambedkar  did  have  good  opinion  of  Hinduism  and  levelled  it  with Brahmanism, whereas, Gandhi appreciated the Hindu Dharma. It just needed to be reformed. 
Thirdly, Gandhi   believed   in   non-cooperation   and   civil   disobedience   and Ambedkar stressed on constitutional means of change and improvement.  Fourthly, Ambedkar believed in the betterment of the depressed classes could by depressed classes themselves. Gandhi opined it could be by any person.
Fifthly, Gandhi wanted to accommodate all castes and communities. Ambedkar confined to depressed classes.  Gandhi argued that caste conflict is not  the permanent feature of Indian society. 
Sixthly, they differed on Gram Swarajya. Gandhi stressed on  village autonomy and  self-sufficiency,  Ambedkar  was  critical  of  the  village  as  a  unit  of  local administration. 

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