Critically discuss the key recommendations of Bibek Debroy Committee with reference to Indian Railways.

Bibek Debroy Committee 2015 established by NDA government suggested Mobilization of Resources for Major Railway Projects and Restructuring of Railway Ministry and Railway Board. The key recommendations of this committee are as follows:

  • Transition to commercial accounting: The committee recommended that the process of accounting in Indian Railways is “very complicated and need changes.
  • Streamline recruitment & HR processes: suggested the recruitment into Indian Railways through various channels need to be streamlined.
  • Decentralization: recommendation for decentralization down to the level of the DRM who is in charge of a division, or station superintendent
  • Focus on non-core areas: suggested railways to distance from non-core activities, such as running a police force, schools, hospitals and production and construction units.
  • Encouraging private entry: suggested private sector should be allowed into running both freight and passenger trains in competition with Indian railways.

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