Can appointment of Social media executives for each district in India mark the journey towards the inclusive governance?

UNESCO defines Governance as structures and processes that are designed to ensure accountability, transparency, responsiveness, rule of law, stability, equity and inclusiveness, empowerment, and broad-based participation.
Governance must be responsive towards the people. This responsiveness will provide for the participatory approach and inclusiveness. The appointment of the social media executives at district level by the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (I&B) can lead to inclusive governance as their roles and responsibilities are designed to provide for better understanding the perceptions at the ground level.
The roles and responsibilities of the social media executives may include:

  • Analyse local news media and help the government to undertake corrective actions according to the responses.
  • Monitor the local edition of newspapers, local cable channels, local audio channels and important local social media handles for important developments. Thus sensitise government about the ground level situation.
  • Analyse the news to assess whether the government’s message was received positively or negatively.
  • Undertaking structured campaign to build awareness about the various achievements of government.

The government though based in the capital city must not be confined to the opinions and views of the people in and around the capital. This would result in lopsided pattern of governance. The social media executives can form the bridge between the government and the people. This would create a conductive atmosphere for governance. As a result people rather than being mere spectators people can be the agents of governance.

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