Before 1980s, Soybean was not a significant crop in terms of production and is in India. However, today Soybean has become a major export earner. What are the key factors that underpin this exceptional growth? Examine.

Model Answer: There were several reasons of this exceptional growth.
Firstly, there was a development of those varieties that suited well to India’s soils, particularly in rain fed areas. Then, the utilization of Kharif fallows was advantageous. Further, prices of soya products are linked to global prices; so this commodity has exceptional price realization.
Finally, Indian Government’s aggressive Soybean development programme helped it to grow by leaps and bounds. The government programme was basically focused to promote Soybean so that it can offset the import dependency in edible oil.
Due to the acute shortage of edible oil in India during late 1960s, government of India decides to promote soybean cultivation.
Four soybean verities Bragg, Clark, lee and Hardee were introduced fro USA and tested. Out of this, Bragg performed well and was released for general cultivation.
Another major decision was the provision of Minimum Support price (MSP) for Soybean and purchase of soybean by the Food Corporation of India at MSP.
Since the germination of soybean seed was poor under the tropical conditions, the government provided cold storage facilities to store the seed to maintain good germination. (185 words)

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