According to you, what kind of governmental support is essential for the RBI Payments Vision 2019-21 to be successful?

Reserve Bank of India has come up with a refreshing vision for payments for the year 2019-21, thereby keeping in line with its practice of coming up with better systems of payments in future.
The vision is good but it has grossly undervalued the power and reach of payments made over the payment systems which involve apps and scanners. The latter has evolved as a highly popular, easy and low-cost option for everyone. The smart devices will become even more effective when 5G is introduced. The telecoms should then completely turn-off the 2G and free-up the spectrum. GST is a completely online tax and thus the telecom industry will have to stay ahead of the curve to make many governmental schemes possible.
RBI vision is good but will see effective implementation if it is able the entire ecosystem develops to accommodate the digital payments. At the same time, it will have to address the concerns of data processing and data security. Latter is a governmental domain and thus both the RBI and government have to complement each other to drive maximum benefit.

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