UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 88

Consider the following comparisons of the Himalayan Rivers and Peninsular rivers:
  1. Most of the Himalayan rivers are perennial, while most of the peninsular rivers are rainfed
  2. The gradient of the Himalayan rivers is steeper than peninsular rivers
  3. The peninsular rivers cause more erosion on their way in comparison to the Himalayan rivers
Which among the above is / are correct?
Which of the following is / are bacteria caused diseases?
  1. Leptospirosis
  2. Hansen’s disease
  3. Diphtheria
  4. Anthrax
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
The time period between jobs when a worker is transitioning from one job to another is known as__:
 Which of the following are not parts of hindbrain in humans?
  1. Spinal cord
  2. Cerebellum
  3. Hypothalamus
  4. Basal Ganglia
  Select the correct option from codes given below:
Which of the following is / are correct statements about Shola Forests?
  1. Shola forests are tropical Montane forests
  2. Shola forests always grow on the mountain tops
  3. Shola forests are found in altitudes above 2000 meters of sea-level
Select the correct option from the codes given below:

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