UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 8

Which among the following terms does not get a place in Constitution of India?
Under Article 361 of the Constitution of India, immunity from criminal proceedings is available during the term of his or her office to ?
  1. President
  2. Governor
  3. Prime Minister
  4. Chief Minister
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
Consider the following Bills:
  1. Money bill
  2. Financial Bill of category A
  3. Financial Bill of category B
Which of the above can be introduced only in Lok Sabha?
Which of the following is / are included in the various environment impacts of El Nino?
  1. monsoon failure in south Asia
  2. coral bleaching
  3. typhoons in western pacific
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
Who among the following were Saints of Varkari sect ?
  1. Chakradhar
  2. Jnanesvar
  3. Namadev
  4. Samarth Ramdas
Indicate the correct answer form the codes given below.

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