UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 648

Which of the following is / are correct statements about the term Privilege Motion, which was making news recently?
  1. It is the exclusive power of Lok Sabha
  2. It can be initiated by any minister or private member 
  3. It cannot be moved against prime minister
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
Consider the following statements about the British Army Officers:
  1. Sir Eyre Coote defeated the French at the Battle of Wandiwash
  2. Arthur Wellesly defeated Tipu Sultan at the Battle of Seringapatam
  3. Sir Charles Napier defeated Marathas in Third Anglo-Maratha War
Which of the above is / are correct statements?
Recently, scientists discovered a new tectonic microplate off the west coast of Ecuador. This is the 57th such plate discovered so far. The plate has been named as _?
Which of the following schemes/projects in India are been funded by the World Bank?
  3. Tejaswini
  4. Nai Manzil
Select the correct option from codes given below:
Sustainable Development:
  1. results in high level of GDP in present time
  2. seeks to meet the needs of present without compromising the ability of future
  3. takes into account environmental degradation
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

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