UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 487

Currently, which of the following commodities are distributed in India via Public Distribution System?
  1. Wheat
  2. Rice
  3. Sugar
  4. Pulses
  5. Kerosene
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
The Dayabhaga system of Hindu law, which is followed in Bengal region of the country, was written by___?
The government of India provides food subsidy by __:
Under which among the following headings, the proceeds of government bonds come in the budget ?
How the recently launched “India Aspiration Fund” is different from the “SMILE Fund”?
  1. While India Aspiration Fund is intended for funding start-ups in India, SMILE fund will provide soft loan to MSMEs
  2. Both India Aspiration Fund and SMILE fund will be managed by Small Industries development Bank of India (SIDBI)
Select the correct option from the codes given below:

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