UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 392

With reference to the Aranyakas, which among the following statements is / are correct?
  1. They are parts of Brahamans
  2. They focus on rites, rituals and sacrifices
  3. Their content is generally esoteric / philosophical
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
Consider the following:
  1. Pisces
  2. Prawns
  3. Silkworm
  4. Shell fishery
Which among the following is/ are included in aquaculture?
Consider the following statements about Green Bonds, which were recently making news: 
  1. Green bond provides issuers access to specific set of global investors who invest only in green ventures
  2. Both private and public sector organizations can raise capital with the help of Green bonds
   Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Which of the following was / were the tenets of the Self Respect Movement launched in 1920s in India?
  1. Equal human rights for backward castes
  2. Marriage ceremonies without Brahmin priests
  3. Anti-Brahamanism
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
If a company declares a 100% dividend, the shareholder will get an amount equal to the ___

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