UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 30

Which among the following language comes under 8th schedule of Indian Constitution?
Which of the following is / are correct observations regarding the Jet streams?
  1. Jet streams are fast moving moisture laden winds blowing only in the stratosphere
  2. They help to bring the Western Disturbances Into India In winter
  3. They generally blow from West to East
  4. They generally blow in a wavy pattern
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
With reference to the Sound waves, which among the following is / are correct statements?
1. The frequency determines the pitch of a sound, and the amplitude determines the intensity (or loudness)
2. Frequency is proportional to amplitude
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
Consider the following countries:
  1. Russia
  2. Turkey
  3. Iran
  4. India
Which of the above are the founding members of the International North–South Transport Corridor?
The Amman and Kalyanmandapa are considered to be indispensdable part of temple architecture of __:

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