UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 17

Which among the following was / were set up vide Part-III of the States Re-organisation Act, 1956.?
Consider the following elements considered to be added by Muslims to Indian Architecture:
  1. Use of Calligraphy
  2. Use of shapes instead of natural forms
  3. Dome
Which of the above elements were / was added?
Consider the following statements:
  1. The Battle of Chinsura was a death blow to Dutch empire of India
  2. After the Battle of Wandiwash, the French were disallowed to have trading posts in India
  3. Battle of Wandiwash was a death blow to French empire in India
Which among the above statements is/ are correct?
Which of the following chemicals is/are responsible for eutrophication?
  1. Nitrogen
  2. Phosphorus
  3. Potash
Select the correct option from codes given below:
Consider the following statements about the Vienna Convention on Consular Relation:
  1. It is an international treaty that defines a framework for diplomatic relations between independent countries
  2. India is party to the convention
Which of the above statements is/are correct?

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